Monday, December 15, 2008

It's Snow FUN!

It snowed! A WHOLE LOT! Around here at least. And the kids were pretty excited to play in it. They pretty much spent as much time outside as possible playing in it. We finally made them come in when it got dark. It is something I will never understand because the cold just makes the thought of being in the snow not fun, but the kids seem to not care. Including Jayden! Spencer and Melissa prefer to use the sleds as a Snowboards. I think the hill in our backyard just isn't as fun to sit down on, but it's not too scarey to stand!
Jayden enjoyed playing in the snow with the pail and shovel.

Jenna wasn't quite brave enough to stand on the sled, but she tried a bunch of different positions on the sled.

Jayden even took a turn sliding down the hill!


Judy said...

It's funny that you guys got that much snow. Our "BIG" snow storm gave us maybe an inch, you could still see the grass through the snow. It did give us ICY roads though. Looks like fun! It's nice that you've got a hill.

Heather - said...

You guys got tons of snow. We have maybe a skiff (that's right, a "skiff") of snow on the ground. Matthew and Ethan are SO jealous!
Looks like fun!

Brett said...

On Saturday morning it was still warm enough to wear shorts and a T-shirt here. I think that when we come, we will all freeze to death.

Michelle said...

The kids are super excited about going to the snow. Rebecca asked if she could start packing this afternoon!

Lhone said...

Wow, a sledding hill in the backyard. Convenient.