Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Spencer's 1st Pack Meeting

Turning 8 is a big deal for Spencer. His friends have all been 8 for quite a while and they have already been attending Cub Scouts. Spencer has been WAITING for a long time. Lucky for him, the day after he turned 8 he had his first den meeting and the following week was his first pack meeting. To start it off, his den was in charge of the skit.

For those of you who can't hear, Spencer said, "Oh my!"

(maybe not with the exclamation point though)

And of course, the punch line is...

Following the skit, was awards. Spencer was all gung ho to get going on his Scout stuff, so he worked really hard from the day after he turned 8 to earn his Bobcat award by the first pack meeting. There was one other boy getting his Bobcat as well. For those of you who have never done or seen the ceremony, they have you paint some stuff on your kids' face and they represent different things in scouting. Don't ask me what those were, I was paying more attention to what I was supposed to be doing, hoping not to get it wrong.

Of course, two seconds after I went up, Jenna and Jayden had ran up to see what was going on. Steve was working late, so I was there by myself with them, and a friend of mine was taking the pictures.

You'll notice I had to watch the other Mom do hers first before I attempted to paint Spencer's face. She's done it before with her older son.

Then, Spencer got to put a pin on me (upside-down of course because then they are supposed to do a good turn/deed and then turn it around). Nice that they award the Mom's too because we have to do about as much as the scout does to earn the award.

Here's the final result:

And compare that to the other boy...

Dang! I should have put a white Y on his nose that we would be represented... Go Cougs! And Go Spencer!


Lhone said...

I need to learn all this. I'm not sure I'm ready for a scout. This is the part of life that I am not looking forward to with boys.

Dean and Cindy Hatch said...

Isn't scouts fun? And to think it only gets harder! Hope he stays excited about it. It's a great program. Mom

Judy said...

I have to tell you... I am not excited for scouts. Ug.

James Hatch said...

I still don't get the point.