Friday, August 1, 2008

Random Thoughts

In the spirit of "I don't have anything else to post" I thought I would put down some of my random thoughts for these past few days...

My house smells like Tide...

Two days ago, Jayden got into the tide detergent in the laundry room. He was scooping it up and pouring it on the floor. Melissa was nice enough to volunteer to vacuum it all up for me. However yesturday when I went to vacuum the house, it smelled like Tide. I think that the heat from the vacuum just warmed the soap up and emitted odors. Good thing it is a smell I like. There are some detergents that I can not stand.

My lipstick doesn't match my shirt...

In trying to branch out from the usual colors I buy, I got a lavender colored shirt. This morning I got all ready and before heading out the door looked at myself in the mirror and thought, "Hey, my lipstick doesn't match my shirt." I didn't have any other alternative, so I wore it anyway (the lipstick that is). It is kind of like those times when I have changed my hair color and thought, "Hey, my shirt doesn't match my hair." I know, whatever...

My kids get some of their worst characteristics from me...

This is probably the saddest thought. One of my kids (who will remain nameless - but some will probably guess who) is always using this phrase, "No seriously...." That I can't stand. She does it all the time. Then yesturday I was going to call someone on the phone and since I am a social reject, I was "practicing" my phone conversation before I called. And in that "practicing" I used the phrase that I hate my child using and realized that she probably got it from me. They also probably get yelling at each other from me and being messy eaters from me and the girls not cleaning their room from me and well you get the picture. However, one thing they do not get from me is having potty accidents. We have seen a rising number of those lately and I don't think I did that much. I remember one time when I was little I pottied my pants at a friends house because I couldn't get my pants unbuttoned, but not much more than that. However, the pregnant accidents are another story. I don't think anyone is responsible for those.

Simplify and Inovate...

I was talking to Michelle on the phone yesturday about some people taking their callings way to far. Doing way too much. So much so that people after them don't want the calling because they could never measure up to the person before. Or doing so much that "wastefulness" is created. She said that during one of the last training sessions for church someone and I don't know who it was mentioned that magnifying your calling might mean (for these kinds of people) simplify and inovate. Not do more. I would agree with the fact that some people could do more - like show up for activities if you are in charge of. However, in our area I think more people need to take on the motto that "less is more".

Jayden stinks...

The last two days, Jayden has woken up early from his nap because he had a messy diaper. So, he woke up about forty minutes ago with a stinky. And right now he is standing here telling me he has a poo poo. D_ _ n !

Nature calls...


Judy said...

First of all I can think of a lot great things that your kids got from you!

Heather - said...

I do remember the ONE time you had an accident and it DEVASTATED you. You really were the perfect child and would have been trained WAY sooner if I had just listened to you and exchanged your diaper for underwear. In my defense, however, I had just been through it with a child who will remain unnamed and I couldn't stand the thought of trying to do it all over again. Mom P.S. You are NOT a social misfit!!! You are a great improvement on your mother in every aspect. Good job!!!

Lhone said...

ok, first, I was WAY confused that "Heather" was remembering your first accident. I figured it out that mom was using heather's account. Anywho...You're random thoughts crack me up. You think like I do. Funny. I am with you on the callings thing. I'll have to tell some people the simplify and innovate thing. that is great. I'm sorry Jaden is stinky, but NO ONE stinks like my kids stink (something they get from their daddy I'm sure).