For most of the morning Jayden has been following me around the house while I did my morning chores. And he's been pretty mellow too. I got my bed made, some laundry changed, and folded. I made Jayden's bed, and had me pick up some of the toys he played with this morning. But then I needed to go potty, you know, sometimes that just happens, not that often mind you, but then I came out to this mess!
Yes, that in cereal all over the floor and table, I am not sure if I got the complete scope of the mess, but it is EVERYWHERE. I mean come on I was only in the bathroom less than two minutes. I really was fast. Only here is the irony of the situation, the mess wasn't made by Jayden. It was Jenna and Spencer. Yes, that's right two kids who should know better. We have this rule in our house with Lucky Charms. The rule is you have to eat it all, the marshmallows and the crunchy ones (that's what we call the cereal pieces that you see all over the floor) if you want any more cereal out of that box. If you leave the crunchy ones and just eat the marshmallows, then you do not get to partake of anymore cereal from that box. Aparently, Spencer had only a few left (of the crunchy ones) and he put them in Jenna's bowl. Jenna does not like milk in her cereal and the pieces had milk on them. Which made her made and she threw them at Spencer. Having had milk on them, they stuck to Spencer which made him mad, and a food fight was underway. This was the result. So, in the one and one-half minutes that I was in the bathroom, this is what happened. Oh, and just for the record, Jayden had made a mess of his own...
Yep, that's two boxes of tissues.
Yes, that in cereal all over the floor and table, I am not sure if I got the complete scope of the mess, but it is EVERYWHERE. I mean come on I was only in the bathroom less than two minutes. I really was fast. Only here is the irony of the situation, the mess wasn't made by Jayden. It was Jenna and Spencer. Yes, that's right two kids who should know better. We have this rule in our house with Lucky Charms. The rule is you have to eat it all, the marshmallows and the crunchy ones (that's what we call the cereal pieces that you see all over the floor) if you want any more cereal out of that box. If you leave the crunchy ones and just eat the marshmallows, then you do not get to partake of anymore cereal from that box. Aparently, Spencer had only a few left (of the crunchy ones) and he put them in Jenna's bowl. Jenna does not like milk in her cereal and the pieces had milk on them. Which made her made and she threw them at Spencer. Having had milk on them, they stuck to Spencer which made him mad, and a food fight was underway. This was the result. So, in the one and one-half minutes that I was in the bathroom, this is what happened. Oh, and just for the record, Jayden had made a mess of his own...
Yep, that's two boxes of tissues.
That's great. I think most of the funny kid stories happened to me while in the bathroom. I first learned how bad it could get when Brandon was 2 and Brittany was 1 week old. I had laid her outside the door, and Brandon had gone and gotten a permanent marker and drawn ALL over the hall walls. I said, "Brandon!!" And he went running down the hall, looking back at me. I said, "watch out" and he looked back as he smacked right into the door jam. He looked like quasi moto (hunchback of notre dame). He had a concussion from it. what a mess.
That made me laugh!
Only because I was painting yesterday and successfully ignoring my children... or so I thought. I came downstairs to all the books in the bookshelf on my kitchen table, all the cereal in the cupboard on the counter along with all the fruit. All the blankets from the closet were randomly laid out in a tent fashion...
They had made some sort of food concoction and made tables out of stools to watch tv and eat... however they must have forgotten they had food, because the dog was having a shmorgishborg!
I am excited to have found you and your blog!
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