Monday, July 28, 2008

What is up with that?

Today I am just a little miffed. I am wondering why so many people feel like crap (sorry for the word mom - for you, substitute something else like messy)... I don't know why, but it seems that there is definately (I am sure I spelled that wrong) something in the water. I have just noticed that there are a lot of AMAZING women out there who are feeling pretty down on themselves. And why? What is it? Is it just us feeling bad about ourselves, or are there really some legitimate (again spelling?) reasons out there?

Maybe it goes back to one of my brother-in-law's postulates that deep down all women hate each other. You know, maybe we make up some of the bad vibes we get from others. However, and this may be the sceptic in me, maybe some of those vibes are actually out there. Perhaps people really don't like us. Yet then again, maybe they do, maybe they are shy and don't get to know us. Or maybe people think that we are the stuck up ones. That we are unapproachable, that we think that they aren't good enough.

I just see that there are some pretty amazing people around who are getting passed up on a whole lot of great opportunities just because they aren't hip and with it. I am not sure that this is making a whole lot of sence (again, is that the right spelling for the usage?) but I am trying to be somewhat vague to spare others feelings. However, let me tell you this, I know that I need to be a better person as far as letting others know I appreciate them.

So, for the record, I think you are amazing and there is a lot of great things that you all do.


Kathy said...

I guess we have something to talk about when we go walking on Wed. It's fun to look at your blog and see the stuff I didn't know about your family and kids. Especially love the picture of the kids picking their noses!

Heather - said...

Amen and Amen. Love, Mom

Heather - said...

random comments

You yell? If you have to raise your voice it means that to your kids, your word means nothing. Time to adjust your methods of discipline.

Messy? For the life of me, I don't know where mom and I went wrong. Not many of our kids, if any, are true believers in being a "clean" person. Just a funny thing mom and dad used to say.

You are not a messy eater.

Social reject? Harsh and untrue. But what social struggles you may have were probably inherited from a parent who would much rather be a hermit.

Social reject? Social interactions have all kinds of things going on. So instead of looking at you, learn to turn your interests towards others. "Which way are the eyes looking?" To do that is to refine you. And as for "awesome people" with little to no credit or attention or whatever, they are the "weak things of this world" the Lord speaks so highly of. The Lord knows how to hide his pearls of great price. I have known a whole slew of these types. Don't worry about them. Worry about those who "everyone speaks well of...".

"magify by simplifying" Elder Scott, world wide training session.

One of the many reasons why so many women are down on themselves is because they have never figured out that everyone on TV and in the movies, and in the papers, and in magazines are ACTORS!!!!! They aren't real. How screwed up do these people have to be before we get the picture????

Think on this, part of Michelle's lesson from JS "And strange as it may appear, yet it is true, mankind will persist in self-justification until all their iniquities are exposed, and thier character past being redeemed, and that which is treasured up in their hearts be exposed to the gaze of mankind."pg, 187

Another reason they get down on themselves is because THEY NEVER LEARN THE GOSPEL. At best they can answer all the questions. They are ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth. The few that do don't believe it.

For what it is worth, we think you are awesome.
