Friday, September 4, 2009

The first bus ride

Finally the day we have all been waiting for arrived! And yes, we all were excited for it because now she can stop talking about it! Jenna got to ride the bus! And here is the full account:

She stood in line and waited... She waited patiently inching up to the bus, no pushing or shoving...
Then she hopped on...(I almost missed it)

And then she found her seat. I was hoping she would at least look out the window and wave, but I just had to settle for getting her head.

Whew! Melissa helped her at school get off the bus and then find the correct line to stand in until the bell rang for school to start. Which was nice for me because I didn't have to then drive to the school. After school was out, the morning bus was kind of late dropping off the Kindergartners, so when she got home, the afternoon bus was there picking up the afternoon kids. When that bus drove off, there were four cars of Moms and Dads following the bus, to help their kids when they got to school make sure they got to the right place. Which is funny because the teachers are already out there ready to greet the kids when they get to school.


Dean and Cindy Hatch said...

Jenna, you look so grown up and like you fit right in. Nice to have an older brother and sister to help you out. Glad you are enjoying school!
Love, Grandma Hatch

Michelle said...

Our kids would be jealous. They would love to ride the bus to. Too bad we live next door to the school. I think they are two of five kids who walk. Way to go Jenna!

Judy said...

Sam will be so jealous! For some reason Sam thought he would be riding the bus and the first day of school, he was disappointed when I drove him. He wants to ride the bus really badly (he will change his mind one day when he actually does ride the bus) I felt the same way, I walked all through elementary and thought it'd be fun to ride the bus, and then rode the bus from then on... not fun.

Batistas said...

Aitana loves the bus too! Although she informed me on one of the first days that she kissed a boy on the bus...what?? She is now only alowed to sit by Lauryn or Jacob.

Lhone said...

See, Melany, that's why my kids won't ride the bus! hee hee... I'm glad Jenna got to ride. Its such a symbol of adulthood -or at least it is in their mind :)