Today I am just a little miffed. I am wondering why so many people feel like crap (sorry for the word mom - for you, substitute something else like messy)... I don't know why, but it seems that there is definately (I am sure I spelled that wrong) something in the water. I have just noticed that there are a lot of AMAZING women out there who are feeling pretty down on themselves. And why? What is it? Is it just us feeling bad about ourselves, or are there really some legitimate (again spelling?) reasons out there?
Maybe it goes back to one of my brother-in-law's postulates that deep down all women hate each other. You know, maybe we make up some of the bad vibes we get from others. However, and this may be the sceptic in me, maybe some of those vibes are actually out there. Perhaps people really don't like us. Yet then again, maybe they do, maybe they are shy and don't get to know us. Or maybe people think that we are the stuck up ones. That we are unapproachable, that we think that they aren't good enough.
I just see that there are some pretty amazing people around who are getting passed up on a whole lot of great opportunities just because they aren't hip and with it. I am not sure that this is making a whole lot of sence (again, is that the right spelling for the usage?) but I am trying to be somewhat vague to spare others feelings. However, let me tell you this, I know that I need to be a better person as far as letting others know I appreciate them.
So, for the record, I think you are amazing and there is a lot of great things that you all do.
The Injustice of it all!
13 years ago